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Logger Blog

Continuous Performance Verification with Dynamic Temperature Mapping

What is Continuous Performance Verification?

Continuous performance verification is the process of mapping temperature continuously. This is executed by installing a temporary data logger at first, and then deploying more wireless 24/7 data loggers than used as standard. This would depend on the risk of the assessed location, if the appliance is small, in multiple locations or the size of the environment. Instead of one regular data logger, you deploy a full coverage of data loggers and monitor the performance 365 days a year.

How does this benefit a client?

Once the temperature mapping solution is set up, the eventual cost is less than the cost of setting up and performing adhoc/risk assessed mapping exercises either in house or via a contractor. The continuous monitoring means this wouldn’t be needed because sufficient data is being collected throughout the year, rendering mapping obsolete.

With non-continuous solutions, conducting the required risk assessments to establish the frequency of requalification and remapping is difficult. There are many factors to consider including the severity if there is a risk of failure, the likelihood of an occurrence, importance of the stored product, and historical data i.e. the frequency of alarms and the number of excursions detected.

How Wessex Power can help

Our dynamic temperature mapping solutions involve the deployment of several wireless data loggers. These data loggers are ready to issue data at our command 12 months of the year. This enables us to conduct temperature mapping surveys whenever a modification is made to a temperature controlled space, during extreme weather conditions, when new stock is introduced with special storage restrictions and when new HVAC is installed or existing HVAC is modified/repaired.

 The dynamic temperature mapping process helps determine when excursions could occur and are useful when pharmaceutical manufacturers develop a plan for dealing with them. Alarms should be used to reveal environmental excursions during operations. Temperature excursions for brief periods outside of respective storage label conditions may be acceptable provided stability data and scientific/technical justification exists demonstrating that product quality is not affected.

Learn more about our temperature mapping services and wireless monitoring solutions by calling +44 (0)1929 459 459 or make a general enquiry.


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